Photo credit: Todd Radenbaugh
Recently I've been fortunate to receive funding from the European Research Council for a 5 year project which will examine the role of physiological traits in fish vulnerability to commercial fishing gears, with implications for fisheries-induced evolution. Basically, the main questions will be - do the physiological traits of some fish within a species make those individuals more prone to being captured? And if so, can this lead to evolutionary change in population via selection on such traits?
As part of this project I currently have three positions open in my lab:
A 4 year post doc position (deadline for application March 8, 2015). Find out more here.
A 3.5 year PhD position (deadline for application March 1, 2015). Find out more here.
A 2 year research technician position (deadline for application March 22, 2015). Find out more here.
All positions will involve a mix of lab and fieldwork. I am very excited to bring together a dynamic team for this project so please contact me if you are interest in any of the positions!