This week several members of the lab traveled to Gothenburg, Sweden, to present their work at the annual meeting of the Society for Experimental Biology. It was also a chance to catch up with old friends and colleagues from around the global research community as well as explore some of the sites and pubs of Gothenburg!
On Day 1 of the conference Shaun Killen chaired a session along with Carol Bucking (York University, Canada) on Constraints on Adaptation and Performance. It was a fantastic, well-attended session with talks spanning all major animal taxa. Also on this day Shaun gave the President's Medal Address for the Animal Section of the SEB (click here for a PDF version of the talk slides). Tommy Norin also gave a fantastic talk on day 1 summarizing his work with Neil Metcalfe, looking at how environmental factors influence behavioural and physiological plasticity in minnows.
Giving the President's Medal Address with a Madonna-style headset.
Tommy and his minnows.
On Day 2 Shaun Killen chaired another session, co-organised by Lewis Halsey (University of Roehampton), which explored the idea of whether or not wild animals engage in exercise and the costs of physical activity. In the evening Tiff Armstrong presented her poster on her recent collaborative work in Texas with Andrew Esbaugh examining the effects of crude oil exposure on shoaling behaviour in Atlantic croaker. Tommy Norin also presented two posters showing collaborative work among himself, Shaun Killen, and colleagues at CRIOBE in Moorea, Tahiti.
SEB poster session... can you spot Tommy Norin?
Day 3 was a busy one with Julie Nati giving an excellent talk (slides here) on her recent Biology Letters paper showing that there is no trade-off between peak performance and performance breadth for aerobic scope across temperatures for fishes. Shaun Killen also chaired the ecophysiology section of the Open Biology session. Anna Persson and Amelie Crespel also gave Pecha Kucha talks promoting their posters. The poster session was later that evening where Davide Thambithurai and Mar Yerli Pineda also presented their work.
Julie Nati wowing the crowd.
Amelie Crespel promoting her poster.
Anna summarizing her poster.
Davide Thambithurai.
Anna Persson.
Mar Yerli Pineda.
Tiff Armstrong.
Shaun Killen.
Day 4 was a bit more quiet. During the awards ceremony Shaun Killen received the Animal Section President's Medal. In the evening in was time to party at the traditional SEB banquet!