
Journal Articles

  1. Storm, Z., Meekan, MG, Eich, A, Speed, CW, Killen, SS, Lester, EK. In Press. Recovery of reef shark populations invokes anti-predator behaviours in mesopredatory reef fishes on a coral reef. Journal of Animal Ecology. 00:00-00.

  2. Zhang, Y-L, Zhou, W-Q, Fu, S-J, Nadler, LE, Killen, SS, Zhou, K-Y, Zheng, S-L, Fu, C. In Press. Social conditions alter the growth, metabolic rate, behavioral traits, and food-shelter preferences in the qingbo Spinibarbus sinensis. Behavioural Ecology and Socibiology. 00:00-00. 

  3. Kundegorski, ME, Honkanen, HM, Stephen, A, Torney, CJ , Killen, SS, Adams, CE. In Press. Defining the water flow cues for navigation in migrating Atlantic salmon smolts. Journal of Fish Biology. 00:00-00.

  4. Schneider, EVC, Talwar, BS, Bailey, DM, Killen, SS, Webber, DM, MacSween, CE, Van Leeuwen, TE, Smith. In Press. Fine-scale positioning of structure-associated pelagic fauna using a vertical acoustic telemetry array. Animal Biotelemetry. 00:00-00.

  5. Overduin, SL, Killen, SS, Zimmer, A, McCuaig, J, Cotgrove, L, Aragao, I, Rozanitis, K, Alessi, D, Blewett. 2025. Social context influences tissue-specific copper distribution and behaviour in threespine stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus). Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety. 289: 117432. PDF

  6. Levet, M., Killen, SS, Bettinazzi, S, Mélançon, V, Breton, S, Binning, S. 2024 Acclimation temperature and parasite infection drive metabolic changes in a freshwater fish at different biological scales. Functional Ecology. 00:00-00. PDF

  7. Cortese, D, Diaz, C, Beldade, R, Killen, SS, Scholz, Z, Mills, SC. 2024. Environmental change mediates plasticity in offspring traits through maternal effects in a coral reef fish. Science of the Total Environment. 957: 177630. PDF

  8. Koeck, B, Olsen, EM, Závorka, L, Crespel, A, Moland, E, Freitas, C, Enberg, K, Jessen, H, Sodeland, M, Marte, H, Killen, SS. 2024. Conservation benefits of marine reserves depend on knowledge integration of genotypic and phenotypic diversity. Biological Conservation. 299: 110831. PDF

  9. Tiddy, IC, Cortese, D, Munson, A, Blewett, TA, Killen, SS. 2024. Impacts of anthropogenic pollutants on social group cohesion and individual sociability in fish: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Environmental Pollution. 363: 125017. PDF

  10. Fernandes, TJ, Fu, S-J, McKenzie, DJ, Killen, SS. 2024. Expanding the scope: Integrating costs of digestive metabolism and growth into estimates of maximum oxygen uptake in fishes. Journal of Experimental Biology. 227: jeb248197. PDF

  11. Norman, H, Munson, A, Cortese, D, Koeck, B, Killen, SS. 2024. The interplay between sleep and ecophysiology, behaviour and responses to environmental change in fish. Journal of Experimental Biology. 227: jeb247138. PDF

  12. Tiddy, IC, Munson, A, Cortese, D, Webster, M, Killen SS. 2024. Impacts of climate-related stressors on social group cohesion and individual sociability in fish. Biological Reviews. 99:2035-2059. PDF

  13. Cortese, D, Munson, A, Storm, Z, Jones, NAR, Killen, SS. 2024. The effect of metabolism on cognitive performance varies with task complexity in common minnows Phoxinus phoxinus. Animal Behaviour. 214:95-110. PDF

  14. Zeng, L-Q, Ling, H, Fu, S-J, Pu, D-Y, Killen, SS. 2024. Individual and group behavioral responses to nutritional state and context in a social fish. Behavioural Processes. 220: 105059. PDF

  15. Oluwaseun, O, Storm, Z, Fu, C, Cortese, D, Munson, A, Boulamail, S, Pineda, M, Kochhann, D, Killen, SS. 2024. Capture and discard practices associated with an ornamental fishery affect the metabolic rate and aerobic capacity of three-striped dwarf cichlids Apistogramma trifasciata. Conservation Physiology. 12: 10.1093/conphys/coad105. PDF

  16. Maskrey, DK, Killen, SS, Sneddon, LS, Arnold, KE, Wolfenden, DCC, Thomson, JS. 2024. Differential metabolic responses in bold and shy sea anemones during a simulated heatwave. Journal of Experimental Biology. 227: jeb244662. PDF

  17. Crespel, A, Lindström, L, Elmer, KR, Killen, SS. 2024. Evolutionary relationships between metabolism and behaviour require genetic correlations. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A. 379: 20220481. PDF

  18. Queiros, Q, McKenzie, DJ, Killen, SS, Dutto, G, Saraux, C, Schull, Q. 2024. Fish shrinking, energy balance and climate change. Science of the Total Environment. 906: 167310. PDF

  19. Bacchus, MD, Domenici, P, Killen, SS, McCormick, MI, Nadler, LE. 2024. Kinematic performance declines as group size increases during escape responses in a schooling coral reef fish. Frontiers in Fish Science. 1: 1294259. PDF

  20. Papatheodoulou, M, Metcalfe, NB, Killen SS. 2024. Effects of simulated catch-and-release angling of Atlantic salmon shortly before spawning on the viability and development of their offspring. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. 81: 202-211. PDF

  21. Levet, M., Roche, DG, Killen, SS, Colosio, S, Bshary, R, Miest, J., Binning, SA. 2024. Energetic costs of mounting an immune response in a coral reef damselfish (Pomacentrus amboinensis). Canadian Journal of Zoology. 102: 380-392. PDF

  22. Schneider, EVC, Talwart, BS, Killen, SS, Russell, S, Van Leeuwen, TE, Bailey, DM. 2024. Colonization, diversity, and seasonality of fishes at pelagic fish aggregating devices (FADs). Journal of Fish Biology. 104: 825-836. PDF

  23. Munson, A, Bifi, AG, Campos, D, McColl, D, Wong, M, Yeomans, W, Killen, S. 2024. First records of the introduced sailfin catfish Pterygoplichthys in the United Kingdom. BioInvasions Records. 13: 241-250. PDF

  24. Tiddy, IC, Kaullysing, D, Bailey, DM, Killen, SS, Le Vin, A, Bhagooli, R. 2023. Effects of territorial damselfish on corallivorous fish assemblage composition and coral predation in the Mauritian lagoon. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology. 569: 151960 PDF

  25. Dahms, C, Killen, SS. 2023. Temperature change effects on marine fish range shifts: a meta-analysis of ecological and methodological predictors. Global Change Biology. 29:4459-4479. PDF

  26. Jones, NAR, Cortese, D, Spence-Jones, H, Munson, A, Storm, Z, Killen, SS, Bethel, R, Deacon, R, Webster, M, Závorka, L. 2023. Maze design: size and number of options impact performance in cognitive assays. Journal of Fish Biology. 00:00-00. PDF

  27. Li, W., Yu, C., Fu, S., Killen, S. S., & Zeng, L. 2023. Individuals with spatial learning training experience increased group foraging efficiency in goldfish irrespective of landmark conditions. Integrative Zoology. 00:00-00. PDF

  28. Nati, J., Halsey, L., Johnson, P., Lindstrom, J., Killen, SS. 2023. Does aerobic scope influence geographical distribution of teleost fishes? Conservation Physiology. coad012. PDF

  29. Metcalfe, N. B., Bellman, J., Bize, P., Blier, P. U., Crespel, A., Dawson, N. J., Dunn, R. E., Halsey, L. G., Hood, W. R., Hopkins, M., Killen, S. S., McLennan, D., Nadler, L. E., Nati, J. J.H., Noakes, M. J., Norin, T., Ozanne, S. E., Peaker, M., Pettersen, A. K., Przybylska-Piech, A., Rathery, A., Récapet, C., Rodríguez, E., Salin, K., Stier, A., Thoral, E., Westerterp, K. R., Westerterp-Plantenga, M. S., Wojciechowski, M. S., and Monaghan, P. 2023. Solving the conundrum of intra-specific variation in metabolic rate: a multidisciplinary conceptual and methodological toolkit. BioEssays. 45:2300026. PDF

  30. Pilakouta, N, Killen, SS, Kristjánsson, BK, Skúlason, S, Lindström, J, Metcalfe, NB, Parsons, KJ. 2023. Geothermal stickleback populations prefer cool water despite multigenerational exposure to a warm environment. Ecology and Evolution. 13: e9654. PDF

  31. Pilakouta, N, O’Donnell, P, Crespel, A, Levet, M, Claireaux, M, Kristjánsson, BK, Skúlason, S, Lindström, J, Metcalfe, N, Killen, SS, Parsons, K. 2023. Warmer environments can reduce sociability in an ectotherm. Global Change Biology. 29: 206-214. PDF

  32. Pilakouta, N, Humble, JL, Hill, IDC, Arthur, J, Costa, APB, Smith, BA, Kristjánsson, BK, Skúlason, S, Killen, SS, Lindström, J, Metcalfe, NB, Parsons, KJ. 2023. Testing the predictability of morphological evolution in contrasting thermal environments. Evolution. 77:239–253. PDF

  33. Cortese, D, Crespel, A, Mills, S, Norin, T, Killen, SS, Beldade, R. 2022. Adaptive effects of parental and developmental environments on offspring survival, growth and phenotype. Functional Ecology. 36: 2983– 2994. PDF

  34. Závorka, L, Blanco, A, Chaguaceda, F, Cucherousset, J, Killen, SS, Liénart, C, Mathieu-Resuge, M, Němec, P. Pilecky, M, Scharnweber, K, Twining, CW, Kainz, MJ. 2022. The role of vital dietary biomolecules in eco-evo-devo dynamics. Trends in Ecology and Evolution. 38:72-84. PDF

  35. Thambithurai, D, Lanthier, I, Contant, E, Killen, SS, Binning, SA. 2022. Fish vulnerability to capture by trapping is modulated by individual parasite density. Proceedings of the Royal Society. 289: 20221956 PDF

  36. Fu, SJ, Dong, YW, Killen SS. 2022. Aerobic scope in fishes with different lifestyles and across habitats: Trade-offs among hypoxia tolerance, swimming performance and digestion. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, Part A. 272: 111277. PDF

  37. Falco, F, Botarri, T, Ragonese, S, Killen, SS. 2022. Towards the integration of ecophysiology with stock assessment for conservation policy and evaluating the status of the Mediterranean Sea. Conservation Physiology. 10: coac008. PDF

  38. Nathan, R, Monk, C, Arlinghaus, R, Adam, T, Alós, J, Assaf, M, Baktoft, H, Beardsworth, CE, Bertram, MG, Bijleveld, AI, Brodin, T, Brooks, JL, Campos-Candela, A, Cooke, SJ, Gjelleand, KØ, Gupte, PR, Harel, R, Hellström, G, Jeltsch, F, Killen, SS, Klefoth, T, Langrock, R, Lennox, RJ, Lourie, E, Madden, JR, Orchan, Y, Pauwels, IS, Říha, M, Roeleke, M, Schlägel, U, Shohami, D, Signer, J, Toledo, S, Vilk, O, Westrelin, S, Whiteside, MA, Jarić, I. 2022. Big-data approaches enable increased understanding of animal movement ecology. Science. 375: eabg1780. PDF

  39. Thambithurai, D., Rácz, A., Lindström, J., Parsons, K. J., Killen, S.S. 2022. Simulated trapping and trawling exert similar selection on fish morphology. Ecology and Evolution. 12: e8596. PDF

  40. Crespel, A., Schneider, K., Miller, T., Rácz, A., Jacobs, A, Lindström, J., Elmer, K.R., Killen, S.S. 2021. Genomic basis of fishing-associated selection varies with population density. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 18 (51) e2020833118 PDF

  41. Chrétien, E., Boisclair, D., Cooke, S.J. and S.S. Killen. 2021. Social group size and shelter availability influence individual metabolic traits in a social fish. Integrative Organismal Biology. 3: obab032 PDF

  42. Killen, S.S., Cortese, D., Cotgrove, L., Jolles, J.W., Munson, A., Ioannou, C. 2021. The potential for physiological performance curves to shape environmental effects on social behaviour. Frontiers in Physiology. 2:754719. PDF

  43. Nati, J.J.H., Svendsen, M.B.S., Marras, S., Killen, S.S., Steffensen J.F., McKenzie, D.J., Domenici, P. 2021. Intraspecific variation in thermal tolerance differs between tropical and temperate fishes. Scientific Reports. 11: 21272. PDF

  44. Killen, S.S., Christensen, E., Cortese, D., Závorka, L., Norin, T., Cotgrove, L., Crespel, A., Munson, A., Nati, J.J.H., Papatheodoulou, M., McKenzie, D.J. 2021. Guidelines for reporting methods for estimating metabolic rates using aquatic intermittent-closed respirometry. Journal of Experimental Biology. 224: jeb242522. PDF

  45. Papatheodoulou, M, Závorka, L, Koeck, B, Metcalfe, NB, Killen, SS. 2021. Simulated pre-spawning catch & release of wild atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) results in faster fungal spread and opposing effects on female and male proxies of fecundity. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. 79: 267-276. PDF

  46. Crespel, A., Miller, T., Rácz, A., Lindström, J., Parsons, K.J., Killen, S.S. 2021. Density influences the heritability and genetic correlations of fish behavioural traits under trawling-associated selection. Evolutionary Applications. 14:2527–2540. PDF

  47. Tiddy, IC, Kaullysing, D, Bailey, DM, Chummun, PK, Killen, SS, Le Vin, A, Bhagooli, R. 2021. Outplanting of branching Acropora enhances recolonization of a fish species and protects massive corals from predation. Coral Reefs. 40:1549–1561. PDF

  48. Schneider, EVC, Brooks, EJ, Cortina, MP, Bailey, DM, Killen, SS, Van Leeuwen, TE. 2021. Design, construction, and deployment of an affordable and long-lasting moored deep-water fish aggregation device. Caribbean Naturalist. 83:2021. PDF

  49. Závorka, L., Crespel, A., Dawson, N., Papatheodoulou, M., Killen, S.S., Kainz, M. 2021. Climate change induced deprivation of dietary essential fatty acids can reduce growth and mitochondrial efficiency of wild juvenile salmon. Functional Ecology. 35:1960-1971. PDF

  50. Christensen, EAF, Berggsson, H, Andersen, LEJ, Steffensen, JF, Killen, SS. 2021. Shuttle-box systems for determining environmental preference and avoidance in aquatic animals. Conservation Physiology. 1:coab028. PDF

  51. Killen, SS, Nadler, LE, Grazioso, K, Cox, A, McCormick, MI. 2021. The effect of metabolic phenotype on sociability and social group size preference in a coral reef fish. Ecology and Evolution. 11:8585-8594. PDF

  52. Lennox RJ, Westrelin S, Souza AT, Šmejkal M, Říha M, Prchalová M, Nathan R, Koeck B, Killen S, Jarić I, Gjelland K, Hollins J, Hellstrom G, Hansen H, Cooke SJ, Boukal D, Brooks JL, Brodin T, Baktoft H, Adam T, Arlinghaus R. 2021. A role for lakes in revealing the nature of animal movement using high dimensional telemetry systems. Movement Ecology. 9:40. PDF

  53. Rácz, A., Allan, B., Dwyer, T. Thambithurai, D., Crespel, A., Killen, S.S. 2021. Identification of individual zebrafish (Danio rerio): A refined protocol for VIE tagging whilst considering animal welfare and the principles of the 3Rs. Animals. 11: 616 PDF

  54. Cortese, D., Norin, T., Beldade, R., Crespel, A., Killen, S.S., Mills, S.. 2021. Physiological and behavioural effects of anemone bleaching on symbiont anemonefish in the wild. Functional Ecology. 00:1–11 PDF

  55. Hollins, J., Koeck, B., Crespel, A., Bailey, D.M, Killen, S.S. 2021. Does thermal plasticity affect susceptibility to capture in fish? Insights from a simulated trap and trawl fishery. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. 78: 57–67 PDF

  56. Pineda, M., Aragao, I., McKenzie, D.J., Killen, S.S. 2020. Social dynamics obscure the effect of temperature on air breathing in Corydoras catfish. Journal of Experimental Biology. 223: jeb222133 doi: 10.1242/jeb.222133 PDF

  57. Zavorka, L., Koeck, B., Armstrong, T.A., Soganci, M., Crespel, A., Killen, S.S. 2020. Reduced exploration capacity despite brain volume increase in warm acclimated common minnow. Journal of Experimental Biology. 223: jeb223453 PDF

  58. Blasco, F.R., Esbaugh, A.J., Killen, S.S., Rantin, F.T., Taylor, E.W., McKenzie, D.J. 2020. Using aerobic exercise to evaluate sub-lethal tolerance of acute warming in fishes. Journal of Experimental Biology. 223: jeb218602 PDF

  59. Pilakouta, N., Killen, S.S., Kristjánsson, B., Skulason, S., Lindstrom, J., Metcalfe, N.B., Parsons, K. 2020. Multigenerational exposure to elevated temperatures leads to a reduction in standard metabolic rate in the wild. Functional Ecology. 34:1205–1214. PDF

  60. Horwitz, R., Norin, T., Watson, S.-A., Pistevos, J., Beldade, R., Hacquart, S., Gattuso, J.-P., Rodolfo-Metalpa, R., Vidal-Dupiol, J., Killen, S.S., Mills, S. 2020. Near-future ocean warming and acidification alter foraging behaviour, locomotion, and metabolic rate in a keystone marine mollusc. Scientific Reports. 10: 5461. PDF

  61. Jolles, J.W., King, A.J., Killen. S.S. 2020. The role of individual heterogeneity in collective animal behaviour. Trends in Ecology and Evolution. 35: 278-291. PDF

  62. Thambithurai, D.T., Crespel, A., Norin, T., Rácz, A., Lindström, J., Parsons, K.J., Killen, S.S. 2020 Hypoxia alters vulnerability to capture and the potential for trait-based selection in a scaled-down trawl fishery. Conservation Physiology. 7: 1 coz082. PDF

  63. Armstrong, T., Khursigara, A, Killen, S.S., Fearnley, H., Parsons, K., Esbaugh, A. 2019. Oil exposure alters social group cohesion in fish. Scientific Reports. 9:13520. PDF

  64. Zavorka, L., Koeck, B., Killen, S.S., Kainz, M. 2019. Aquatic predators influence flux of essential micronutrients. Trends in Ecology and Evolution. 34: 880-881. PDF

  65. Hollins, J., Thambithurai, D., Van Leeuwen, T.E., Allan, B., Koeck, B., Bailey, D., Killen, S.S. 2019. Shoal familiarity modulates effects of individual metabolism on vulnerability to capture by trawling. Conservation Physiology. 7: coz043 PDF

  66. Guzzo, M.M., Mochnacz, N.J., Durhack, T., Kissinger, B.C., Killen, S.S. Treberg, J.R. 2019. Effects of repeated daily acute heat challenge on the growth and metabolism of a cold-water stenothermal fish. Journal of Experimental Biology. 222: jeb198143 doi: 10.1242/jeb.198143 PDF

  67. Rácz, A., Dwyer, T., Killen, S.S. 2019. Overview of a disease outbreak and introduction of a step-by step protocol for the eradication of Mycobacterium haemophilum in a zebrafish system. Zebrafish. 16(1):77-86 PDF

  68. Cooper, B., Adriaenssens, B., Killen, S.S. 2018. Individual variation in the compromise between social group membership and exposure to preferred temperatures. Proceedings of the Royal Society B. 285: 20180884. 10.1098/rspb.2018.0884. PDF

  69. Nadler, L.E., Killen, S.S., Domenici, P., McCormick, M.I. 2018. Role of water flow regime in the swimming behaviour and escape performance of a schooling fish. Biology Open. 7, bio031997 PDF

  70. Wang, E., Ramesh, K, Killen, S.S., Viola, I.M. 2018. On the nonlinear dynamics of self-sustained limit-cycle oscillations in a flapping-foil energy harvester. Journal of Fluids and Structures. 83: 339-357 PDF

  71. McLean, S., Persson, A., Norin, T., Killen, S.S. 2018. Metabolic costs of feeding predicatively alter the spatial distribution of individuals in fish schools. Current Biology. 28: 1144-1149 PDF

  72. Fu, S.J., Peng, J., Killen, S.S. 2018. Digestive and locomotor capacity show opposing responses to changing food availability in an ambush predatory fish. Journal of Experimental Biology. jeb.173187 doi: 10.1242/jeb.173187 PDF

  73. Norin, T., Mills, S.C., Crespel, A., Cortese, D., Killen, S.S., Beldade, R. 2018. Heat-induced anemone bleaching increases the metabolic rate of symbiont anemonefish. Proceedings of the Royal Society B. 285: 20180282. PDF

  74. Parsons, K.J., Son, Y.H., Crespel, A., Thambithurai, D., Killen, S.S., Harris, M., Albertson, C. 2018. Conserved but flexible covariance structure in the zebrafish skull: Implications for craniofacial evolvability. Proceedings of the Royal Society B. 285: 20172671. PDF

  75. Thambithurai, D., Hollins, J., Van Leeuwen, T., Rácz, A., Lindström, J. Parsons, K., Killen, S.S. 2018. Shoal size as a key determinant for vulnerability to capture under a simulated fishery scenario. Ecology and Evolution. 8:6505–6514. DOI: 10.1002/ece3.4107. PDF

  76. Halsey, L.G., Killen, S.S., Clark, T.D., Norin, T. 2018. Exploring key issues of aerobic scope interpretation in ectotherms: absolute vs. factorial. Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries. 28: 405-415. PDF

  77. Guzzo, M.M, Van Leeuwen, T.E., Hollins, J, Koeck, B., Newton, M., Webber, D.M., Smith, F.I., Bailey, D.M., Killen, S.S. 2018. Field testing a novel high residence positioning system for monitoring the fine-scale movements of aquatic organisms. Methods in Ecology and Evolution. 9:1478-1488 PDF

  78. Hollins, J., Thambithurai, D., Koeck, B., Crespel, A., Bailey, D.M., Cooke, S.J., Lindström, J., Parsons, K.J., Killen, S.S. 2018. A physiological perspective on fisheries-induced evolution. Evolutionary Applications. 11: 561-576 PDF

  79. Nati, J.J.H, Lindström, J., Yeomans, W., Killen, S.S. 2018. Physiological and behavioural responses to hypoxia in an invasive freshwater fish species and a native competitor. Ecology of Freshwater Fish. 27:813-821 PDF

  80. Halsey, L.G., Wright, S., Rácz, A. Metcalfe, J.D., Killen, S. S. 2018. How does school size affect tail-beat frequency in turbulent water? Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology A. 218: 63-69. PDF

  81. Jutfelt, F., Norin, T., Ern, R. Overgaard, J., Wang, T., McKenzie, D.J., Lefevre, S., Nilsson, G.E., Metcalfe, N.B., Hickey, A.J.R., Brijs, J., Speers-Roesch, B., Roche, D.G., Gamperl, A.K., Raby, G.D., Morgan, R. Esbaugh, A.J., Gräns, A., Axelsson, M., Ekström, A., Sandblom, E., Binning, S.A., Hicks, J.W., Seebacher, F., Jørgensen, C., Killen, S.S., Schulte, P.M., Clark, T.D. 2018. Oxygen- and capacity-limited thermal tolerance: blurring ecology and physiology. Journal of Experimental Biology. 221: jeb169615 doi: 10.1242/jeb.169615 PDF

  82. Killen, S.S., Esbaugh, A.J., Martins, N.D., Rantin, F.T., McKenzie, D.J. 2018. Aggression supersedes individual oxygen demand to drive group air-breathing in a social catfish. Journal of Animal Ecology. 87: 223-234. PDF

  83. Killen, S.S., Calsbeek, R.G, Williams, T. 2017. The ecology of exercise: mechanisms underlying individual variation in behavior, activity, and performance. Integrative and Comparative Biology. 57: 185-194. PDF

  84. Zeng, L.Q., Zhang, A.G., Killen, S.S., Cao, Z.D., Wang, Y.X., Fu, S.J. 2017. Standard metabolic rate predicts growth trajectory of juvenile crucian carp (Carassius auratus) under changing food availability. Biology Open. 6: 1305-1309 PDF

  85. McKenzie, D.J, Blasco, F.R., Belao, TC, Martins, N.D., Killen, S.S., Taylor, E.W., Rantin, F.T. 2017. Physiological determinants of individual variation in sensitivity to an organophosphate pesticide in Nile tilapia Oreochromis niloticus. Aquatic Toxicology. 189: 108-114. PDF

  86. Killen, S.S., Marras, S., Nadler, L.E., Domenici, P. 2017. The role of physiological traits in assortment among and within fish shoals. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society. 372: 20160236. PDF

  87. Auer, S., Killen, S.S., Rezende, E. 2017. Resting versus active: a meta-analysis of the intra- and inter-specific associations between minimum, sustained, and maximum metabolic rates in vertebrates. Functional Ecology. 31: 1728–1738. PDF

  88. Killen, S.S., Norin, T., Halsey, L.G. 2017. Do method and species lifestyle affect measures of maximum metabolic rate in fish? Journal of Fish Biology. 90: 1037–1046 DOI: 10.1111/jfb.1319 PDF

  89. Costantini, D., Smith, S., Killen, S.S., Nielsen, J., Steffensen, S.F. 2017. The Greenland shark: a new challenge for the oxidative stress theory of ageing? Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology A. 203: 227-232 PDF

  90. Van Leeuwen, T.E., Killen, S.S., Metcalfe, N.B., Adams, C. E. 2016. Differences in early developmental rate and yolk conversion efficiency in offspring of trout with alternative life histories. Ecology of Freshwater Fish. DOI: 10.1111/eff.12281 PDF

  91. Nadler, L.E., Killen, S.S., McCormick, M.I., Watson, S.-A., Munday, P.L. 2016. Effect of elevated carbon dioxide on shoal familiarity and metabolism in a coral reef fish. Conservation Physiology. 10.1093/conphys/cow052 PDF

  92. Nati, J.J.H, Lindström, J., Halsey, L.G., Killen, S.S. 2016. Is there a trade-off between peak performance and performance breadth across temperatures for aerobic scope in teleost fishes? Biology Letters. 12: 20160191. doi: 10.1098/rsbl.2016.0191 PDF

  93. McKenzie, D.J., M. Axelsson, D. Chabot, G. Claireaux, S.J. Cooke, R.A. Corner, G. De Boeck, P. Domenici, P.M. Guerreiro, B. Hamer, C. Jørgensen, S.S. Killen, S. Lefevre, S. Marras, B. Michaelidis, G.E. Nilsson, M.A. Peck, A. Perez-Ruzafa, A.D. Rijnsdorp, H.A. Shiels, J.F. Steffensen, J.C. Svendsen, M.B.S. Svendsen, L.R. Teal, J. van der Meer, T. Wang, J.M. Wilson, R.W. Wilson and J.D. Metcalfe. 2016. Conservation physiology of marine fishes: State of the art and prospects for policy. Conservation Physiology. 4 (1): cow046. doi: 10.1093/conphys/cow046 PDF

  94. Nadler, L.E., Killen, S.S., McClure, E.C., Munday, P.L., McCormick, M.I. 2016. Shoaling reduces metabolic rate in a gregarious coral reef fish species. Journal of Experimental Biology. 219: 2802-2805 doi: 10.1242/jeb.139493 PDF

  95. Treberg, J.R., Killen, S.S., MacCormack, T.J., Lamarre, S., Enders, E.C. 2016. Estimates of metabolic rate and major constituents of metabolic demand in fishes under field conditions: Methods, proxies, and new perspectives. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology A. 202: 10-22. PDF

  96. Polverino, G., Bierbach, D., Killen, S.S., Uusi-Heikkilä, S., Arlinghaus, R. 2016. Body length rather than routine metabolic rate and body condition correlates with risk-taking behaviour in juvenile zebrafish (Danio rerio). Journal of Fish Biology. 89:2251-2267 PDF

  97. Palacios, M., Killen, S.S., Nadler, L., White, J.R., McCormick, M.I. 2016. Top-predators negate the effect of mesopredators on prey physiology. Journal of Animal Ecology. 85: 1078–1086 DOI: 10.1111/1365-2656.12523 PDF

  98. Killen, S.S., Glazier, D.G., Rezende, E.L., Clark, T.D., Atkinson, D., Willener, A., Halsey, L.G. 2016. Ecological influences and morphological correlates of resting and maximal metabolic rates across teleost fish species. American Naturalist. 187:592-606 DOI: 10.1086/685893 PDF

  99. Ward, T., Algera, D., Gallagher, A., Hawkins, E., Horodysky, A. Jorgensen, C., Killen, S.S., McKenzie, D.J. Metcalfe, J., Peck, M., Vu, M., Cooke, S.J. 2016. Understanding the individual to implement the ecosystem approach to fisheries management. Conservation Physiology. DOI: 10.1093/conphys/cow005 PDF

  100. Killen, S.S., Fu, C., Wu, Q., Wang, Y.-W., and Fu, S-J. 2016. The relationship between metabolic rate and sociability is altered by food-deprivation. Functional Ecology. DOI: 10.1111/1365-2435.12634 PDF

  101. Killen, S.S., Adriaenssens, B., Marras, S., Claireaux, G., Cooke, S.J. 2016. Context-dependency of trait repeatability and its relevance for management and conservation of fish populations. Conservation Physiology. 4: cow007 DOI: 10.1093/conphys/cow007 PDF

  102. Metcalfe, N.B., Van Leeuwen, T.E., Killen, S.S. 2016. Does individual variation in the metabolic phenotype predict behaviour and performance in fish? Journal of Fish Biology. DOI: 10.1111/jfb.12699. Invited Article. PDF

  103. McKenzie, D.J., De Campos Belao, T., Killen, S.S., Rantin, T. 2015. To boldly gulp: standard metabolic rate and boldness have context-
    dependent influences on risk-taking to breathe air in a catfish. Journal of Experimental Biology. 218, 3762-3770 PDF

  104. Killen, S.S., Croft, D.P., Salin, K., Darden, S.K. 2015. Male sexually coercive behaviour drives increased swimming efficiency in female guppies. Functional Ecology. doi: 10.1111/1365-2435.12527 PDF

  105. Killen, S.S., Nati, J., Suski, C.D. 2015. Vulnerability of individual fish to capture by trawling is influenced by capacity for anaerobic metabolism. Proceedings of the Royal Society B. PDF

  106. Stanley, R.R.E., Bradbury, I.R., DiBacco, C.D., Snelgrove, P.V.R., Thorrold, S., Killen, S.S. 2015. Environmentally mediated trends in otolith composition of juvenile Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua). ICES Journal of Marine Science. doi: 10.1093/icesjms/fsv070 PDF

  107. Uusi-Heikkilä, S., Whiteley, A.R., Kuparinen, A., Matsumura, S., Venturelli, P.A., Wolter, C., Slate, J., Primmer, C.R., Meinelt, C., Killen, S.S., Bierbach, D., Polverino, G., Ludwig, A., Arlinghaus, R. 2015. The evolutionary legacy of size-selective harvest extends from genes to populations. Evolutionary Applications. 8:597-620. PDF

  108. Killen, S.S., Reid, D., Marras, S., Domenici, P. 2015. The interplay between aerobic metabolism and antipredator performance: preparedness to escape is related to recovery rate after exercise. Frontiers in Physiology. 6: 111. doi:10.3389/fphys.2015.00111. PDF

  109. Marras, S.*, Killen, S.S.*, Lindstrom, J., McKenzie, D.J, Steffensen, J.F., Domenici, P. 2015. Fish swimming in schools save energy regardless of their spatial position. Behavioural Ecology and Sociobiology. 69:219–226. DOI: 10.1007/s00265-014-1834-4. *these authors contributed equally. PDF

  110. Cooke, S.C., Killen, S.S., Metcalfe, J.D., McKenzie, D.J., Mouillot, D., Jørgensen, C., Peck, M.A. 2014. Conservation physiology across scales: insights from the marine realm. Conservation Physiology. DOI: 10.1093/conphys/cou024. PDF

  111. Killen, S.S. 2014. Growth trajectory influences temperature preference in fish through an effect on metabolic rate. Journal of Animal Ecology. 83: 1513–1522. PDF

  112. Killen, S.S., Mitchell, M.D., Rummer, J.L., Chivers, D.P., Ferrari, M.C.O., Meekan, M., McCormick, M.I. 2014. Aerobic scope predicts dominance during early life in a tropical damselfish. Functional Ecology. 28: 1367–1376. PDF

  113. Killen S.S., Marras, S., McKenzie, D.J. 2014. Fast growers sprint slower: effects of food deprivation and re-feeding on sprint swimming performance in individual juvenile European sea bass. Journal of Experimental Biology. 217: 859-865. PDF

  114. Killen S.S., Marras, S., Metcalfe, N.B., McKenzie, D.J., Domenici, P. 2013. Environmental stressors alter relationships between physiology and behaviour. Trends in Ecology and Evolution. 28:651-658. PDF

  115. Marras S., Killen S.S., Domenici, D., Claireaux, G., McKenzie, D.J. 2013. Relationships among traits of aerobic and anaerobic swimming performance in individual European sea bass Dicentrarchus labrax. PLoS ONE 8(9): e72815. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0072815. PDF

  116. Ryan, M.R., Killen, S.S., Snelgrove, P.V., Gregory, R.S. 2012. Predators and distance between habitat patches modify gap crossing behaviour of juvenile Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua, L. 1758). Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 422-23: 81-87. PDF

  117. Killen, S.S., Marras, S., Steffensen, J.F., McKenzie, D.J. 2012. Aerobic capacity influences the spatial position of individuals within fish schools. Proceedings of the Royal Society B. 279: 357-364. Featured as a Research Highlight in Nature. PDF

  118. Killen, S.S., Marras, S., Ryan, M.R., Domenici, P, McKenzie, D.J. 2012. A relationship between metabolic rate and risk-taking behaviour is revealed during hypoxia in juvenile European sea bass. Functional Ecology. 26: 134-143. PDF

  119. Burton, T., Killen, S.S., Armstrong, J.D., Metcalfe, N.B. 2011. What causes intra-specific variation in resting metabolic rate and what are its ecological consequences? Proceedings of the Royal Society B. 278: 3465-3473. PDF

  120. Killen, S.S., Marras, S., McKenzie, D.J. 2011. Fuel, fasting, fear: routine metabolic rate and food deprivation exert synergistic effects on risk-taking in individual juvenile European sea bass. Journal of Animal Ecology. 80: 1024–1033. PDF

  121. Marras, S., Killen, S.S., Claireaux, G., Domenici, P., McKenzie, D.J. 2011. Behavioural and kinematic components of the fast-start escape response in fish: individual variation and temporal repeatability. Journal of Experimental Biology. 214: 3102-3110. PDF

  122. Killen, S.S., Atkinson, D., Glazier, D.S. 2010. The scaling of metabolic rate with body mass in fishes depends on lifestyle and temperature. Ecology Letters. 13: 184-193. PDF

  123. Avery, T.S., Killen, S.S., Hollinger, T. R. 2009. The relationship of embryonic development, mortality, hatching success, and larval quality to normal or abnormal early embryonic cleavage in Atlantic cod, Gadus morhua. Aquaculture. 289: 265-273. PDF

  124. Killen, S.S., Brown, J.A., Gamperl, A.K. 2008. Lack of metabolic thermal compensation during the early life stages of ocean pout Zoarces americanus: A benthic, cold-water marine species. Journal of Fish Biology. 72: 763-772. PDF

  125. Killen, S.S., Gamperl, A.K., Brown, J.A. 2007. Ontogeny of predator-sensitive foraging and routine metabolism in larval shorthorn sculpin, Myoxocephalus scorpius. Marine Biology. 152: 1249-1261. PDF

  126. Killen, S.S., Brown, J.A., Gamperl, A.K. 2007. The effect of prey density on foraging mode selection in juvenile lumpfish: balancing food-intake with the metabolic cost of foraging. Journal of Animal Ecology. 76: 814-825. PDF

  127. Suski, C.D., Kieffer, J.D., Killen, S.S., Tufts, B.L. 2007. Sub-lethal ammonia toxicity in largemouth bass. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part A: Molecular & Integrative Physiology. 146: 381-389. PDF

  128. Killen, S.S., Costa, I., Brown, J.A., Gamperl, A.K. 2007. Little left in the tank: metabolic scaling in marine teleosts and its implications for aerobic scope. Proceedings of the Royal Society B. 274: 431-438. PDF

  129. Killen, S.S., Brown, J.A. 2006. Energetic cost of reduced foraging under predation threat in newly hatched ocean pout. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 321: 255-266. PDF

  130. Killen, S.S., Suski, C.D., Cooke, S.J., Philipp, D.P., Tufts, B.L. 2006. Factors contributing to the physiological disturbance in walleyes during simulated live-release angling tournaments. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society. 135: 557-569. PDF

  131. Suski, C.D., Killen, S.S., Kieffer, J.D., Tufts, B.L. 2006. The influence of environmental temperature and oxygen concentration on the recovery of largemouth bass from exercise: implications for live-release angling tournaments. Journal of Fish Biology. 68: 120-136. PDF

  132. Suski, C.D., Cooke, S.J., Killen, S.S., Wahl, D.H., Philipp, D.P. Tufts, B.L. 2005. Behaviour of walleye, Sander vitreus, and largemouth bass, Micropterus salmoides, exposed to different wave intensities and boat operating conditions during livewell confinement. Fisheries Management and Ecology. 12: 19-26. PDF

  133. Suski, C.D., Killen, S.S., Cooke, S.J., Kieffer, J.D., Philipp, D.P., Tufts, B.L. 2004. Physiological significance of the weigh-in during live-release angling tournaments for largemouth bass. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society. 133: 1291-1303. PDF

  134. Killen, S.S., Suski, C.D., Morrissey, M.B., Dyment, P., Furimsky, M., Tufts, B.L. 2003. Physiological responses of walleyes to live-release angling tournaments. North American Journal of Fisheries Management. 23:1237-1245. PDF

  135. Suski, C.D., Killen, S.S., Morrissey, M.B., Lund, S.G., Tufts, B.L. 2003. Physiological changes in largemouth bass caused by live-release angling tournaments in southeastern Ontario. North American Journal of Fisheries Management. 23:760-769. PDF

Book Chapters

  1. Munson, A. Cortese, D., & Killen, S.S. In Press. Multiple Stressors. In: Wong, B, Candolin, U (eds.). Behavioural Responses to a Changing World: Challenges and Applications. Oxford University Press.

  2. Killen, SS, Koeck, B. 2023. Fisheries-induced evolution and selection on physiological traits. In: Alderman, SL, Gillis, T (eds.) Encyclopedia of Fish Physiology, Second Edition. Elsevier. PDF

  3. Killen, SS, Cortese, D., Munson, A. 2023. Schooling Behaviour. In: Alderman, SL, Gillis, T (eds.) Encyclopedia of Fish Physiology, Second Edition. Elsevier.

  4. Killen, SS, Munson, A., Cortese, D. 2023. Costs of Foraging: Energetics of Foraging Decisions. In: Alderman, SL, Gillis, T (eds.) Encyclopedia of Fish Physiology, Second Edition. Elsevier. PDF

  5. Killen, SS, Hollins, J, Koeck, B, Lennox, RJ, Cooke, SJ. 2022. Consequences for fisheries in a multi-stressor world. In: Nann A. Fangue, Steven J. Cooke, Anthony P. Farrell, Colin J. Brauner, Erika J. Eliason (eds). Fish Physiology. Elsevier. PDF

  6. Killen, SS. 2021. Behaviour and Learning. In: The Physiology of Fishes, 5th ed. (Currie S & Evans DE, Eds.). CRC Press, Boca Raton, USA.

  7. Careau, VC, Killen, SS, Metcalfe, NB 2015. Adding fuel to the “fire of life”: energy budgets across levels of variation in ectotherms and endotherms. In: Martin, LB, Woods, HA, and Ghalambor, C (eds). Integrative Organismal Biology. Wiley Scientific. PDF

  8. Killen, SS. 2011. Energetics of Foraging Decisions and Prey Handling. In: Farrell A.P (ed.) Encyclopedia of Fish Physiology: From Genome to Environment, volume 3, pp. 1158-1595. San Diego: Academic Press. PDF


  1. McKenzie, D.J., Belão, T.C., Killen, S.S., Blasco, F.R., Svendsen, M.B.S., Rantin, F.T. 2021. Evidence that standard metabolic rate and risk-taking to breathe air are linked to boldness, activity level and exploratory behaviour in a catfish. bioRxiv. PDF

  2. Fleming, C.H., Drescher-Lehman, J., Noonan, M.J., Akre, T.S.B., Brown, D.J., Cochrane, M.M., Dejid, N., DeNicola, V., DePerno, C.S., Dunlop, J.S., Gould, N.P., Hollins, J., Ishii, H., Kaneko, Y., Kays, R., Killen, S.S., Koeck, B., Lambertucci, S.A., LaPoint, S.D., Medici, E.P., Meyburg, B.-U., Miller, T.A., Moen, R.A., Mueller, T., Pfeiffer, T., Pike, K.N., Roulin, A., Safi, K., Séchaud, R., Scharf, A.K., Shephard, J.M., Stabach, J.A., Stein, K., Tonra, C.M., Yamazaki, K., Fagan, W.F., Calabrese, J.M. 2020. A comprehensive framework for handling location error in animal tracking data. bioRxiv. PDF